Thanks to the new automatic import of episodes the alpha test site is now up-to-date!
This week a great next milestone within the projects was passed sucessfuly, the automatic import of new episodes is now working! You can immediatly see the change on Alpha.
And yes - time travel is possible with You can see episodes from the future. But we have to admit this is no feature of, it just displays the meta-information of each episode and does not check or change anything. So if you are a podcaster maybe you should check if the meta-data of your podcast is published correctly.
Claim your account, if you are own a podcast producer, who’s podcast is already in Panoptikum:
Use the password recovery function to claim your account. You will reveive an email with a link to login once. After your login, you are prompted to set your password.
Manual recommendations are now also possible per episode and per chapters. Followers are informed with a message after a recommendation. Try it out!