Thank you for several recommendations last year and the first recommendation of 2018.
Panoptikum has currently 232 registered users and those users have written 122 recommendations and gave 1 530 likes. It is clear, that likes are less effort and are therefore in the majority, but one recommendation per subscribed user would be great! Please promote your favourite podcast or podcast episode with a recommendation.
OPML file and Top 10 podcasts
At the moment about 30 % of the registered users have uploaded an OPML file.
I wonder, if the statistics would change significantly, if all users uploaded
their files…
Link to persona
You can now find the link(s) to a preview page of your persona(s) after login under myProfile.
Tag new-feed-url
Further statistics from Panoptikum (derived today)
- 28 635 podcasts
- 1 734 908 eposides