Today I want to introduce a new project has now reached a certain level of maturity. It has a database with over 1,800,000 episodes from over 30,000 podcasts, a good user base including several pro-users, a great API and is growing with each uploaded OPML-file from its users and each new released episode of the podcasts listed. For the general user it offers solid functionality,
… BUT …
for those interested in podcasts that can’t read or type in a web-browser the soon 2 million episodes are not accessible. Stefan came up with the idea of - an Android application, running on all sorts of smartphones and tablets, providing an audio-only interface for humans to access data on the acoustic web.
Check out the project page - the homepage is available in English and German - for more details. Or watch the video with Ramon, Sonja and Stefan - I hope you have as much fun watching it as we had creating it: Video
As always we are quite interested what you think about it. Is it a great idea and can you think about several use-cases or do you know why we should not do it? Please let us know - mail to